Superscrews News

We're going to be closed for a while in the middle of 2024

19th February 2024

We've got a few things to do this year, some cycling and some family stuff. It's going to result in us closing Superscrews between 4th April -> 30th June 2024. It's unfortunate and we might be able to change this, we'll see.

The good news is that when we re-open we're going to bring in some more styles and really try and step up to where we can get the scale we need to employ a bit more of a team and offer stock continuity for all the sizes of our key products.

The New Freight Free Minimum Order Size is $90

23rd June 2023

With Freight prices increasing at least 10% we're finding our $50 Free Freight deal is just not sustainable. We do really like offering the Free Freight as it does make it easier for people to keep their screw jars full :-)

We've settled on $90 as the new Minimum Order required to get Free Freight. Hope that works, it's still a great deal (in our humble opinion), we will make the change in early July.

Increase in Courier Costs

31st May 2023

We have been hit by yet another 5-10% increase in pricing from NZ Post, the third in a year. We would like to keep the free Freight option but it is getting harder to make it work and we are looking at increasing the limit for our free freight option from $50 to $80-100.

We're back!

24th January 2023

Happy New Year and we hope everybody had some great summer fun. We are back on board and sending out orders. It will take us a couple of days to catch up. Thanks for you patience!

We Will Be Closed Over The Christmas Period

29th November 2022

We will be closed from the 16th December 2022 to the 20th January 2023. Last orders shipped will be 2pm on the 16th December. We'd like to stay open through the holidays but .. we also really need some holidays. Please stock up if you need to before th 16th December and we wish you the best and a great Christmas break.

Packaging Update - A New Solution

24th November 2022

We've been wracking our brains for a better way to pack our screws for years. Finally, in one of those clear brilliant flash to the brain moments, I think I have it sorted.

The answer? Layers! We were using thick card purchased for the purpose. But an item on the news I saw about 30 years ago where a secret service agent used a special umbrella to stop bullets has been weighing on my mind. The umbrella in question had many thin layers of strong fabric, the layers deforming increased the puncture resistance and slowed the bullet ultimately to a stop.

Are we using bullet proof umbrellas? No, not quite. I started experimenting with magazines as they have lots of pages and our solution is to use surplus and recycled copies of the local Wanaka Messenger newsletter. It's many, quite string pages are perfect. So far we haven't seen ANY screws poking out, it's better for the environment, recyclable and it's also easier to pack.

What a relief :-)

Yes - We Are Working On Better Packaging

19th October 2022

We have had a freighting problem. Screws are sharp and our Courier, NZ Post, won't let us send boxes at the same rates as plastic courier bags. This has resulted in us packing certain screw types in extra layers of cardboard and lately even recycled (from our local community) bubble wrap.

We are now going through the process of seeing if other courier companies will let us send in boxes economically, as boxes are obviously better for everyone. We'll update this as we make progress.

Thanks for your patience.

New Stock Arrival

29th April 2022

After some trials and tribulations we have landed a new stock shipment and the human chain of 12 year olds has moved 5,000kg of screws into our warehouse shelves. Kids are awesome.

We now have the following, note as we are moving to Torx drive for most of our styles these are Torx:

  • 65mm and 50mm #8 Washer Head Screws for pocket hole work, we've been asked for the 65mm ones a lot, hope you like them
  • 65mm, 50mm and 40mm #8 CSK Screws
  • 35mm and 25mm #8 A2 Stainless Steel Screws

Christmas 2021 Shipping Cut Off Date - Get In Now For Those Holiday Projects

9th December 2021

We've had the news from NZ Post that Monday the 20th December is the last day we'll be able to guarantee getting orders to you by the holidays, if you are rural Friday 17th December.

We'll be shipping right up to Christmas and also this year between Christmas and New Year.

Happy Christmas to you and your families. We're all hoping for a great summer, an end to Covid and the Government mandating free battery tools for every household in 2022. Also the safe arrival of our next shipment in February with the coveted and much asked for 65mm exterior washer head pocket hole screws.

Have a great Christmas and summer holidays,

Gwilym and Toby

We Love Good Feedback

16th November 2021

Sometimes we get messages from our customers that just makes it all worth while, here are a few recent ones:

"I've been using Superscrews for the last 8 years. An absolutely brilliant, efficient, cost-effective service. It is so great to have a stash of every possible size screw that I might need so that I never have to go to the shop to buy more (at a ridiculous price!) Superscrews make it so easy to place orders and they deliver fast. Thanks guys." ~ Richard Andrew, Rangiora, NZ

"This was a very good auction that ended well. Got to give it to these guys they sort problems out quickly. Awesome Kreg/Join-a-Jig style screws that work fantastic. Best price in NZ. Highly recommend Superscrews be saved to your Favourites. Thanks team." ~ Thatmuch (TM)

"Thanks for a fast and easy trade.. and a happy husband!!?? " ~ Bigmacnz (TM)

"Great trade, excellent communication and fast shipping!" ~ Porcoroso (TM)

"Great trader, easy process and fast delivery. Highly recommended. AAA+++" ~ Ultra

Current Special Deals

Information pages

About Superscrews

We are a family owned New Zealand company who has been importing and selling high quality screws direct to the consumer since 2009.
We bank with Kiwibank Stripe Credit Card Processing
This website was built by Gwilym using the excellent Laravel Framework and is hosted by Pureflow